Getting Alpine's SEO to Peak Performance
In Alpine’s case, we saw an immediate improvement in the average search rank for non-branded keywords after our first round of site improvements.
Elevating SEO Processes at Bauhaus
Bauhaus is a prominent German hardware retailer, and a household name in much of Europe (Ace Hardware would be an analog in the US). They called in our help to optimize their site for organic traffic and revenue.
Focusing Marketing Processes at Leica Camera
Leica is a legend of photography, and came to us looking for help modernizing their upper funnel campaigns as well as their international marketing processes.
Building Marketing Processes for Camunda
Camunda’s process automation software is open source, highly scalable, and designed to enable business & IT teams to collaborate on process automation together.
Driving Mass Adoption for Conrad Connect
SaaS was a completely new playing field for Conrad Connect. We helped grow their subscriber base and evolve the website, while hiring a team to internally manage new processes.
Revolutionizing Enterprise Lead Generation for Zenjob
Zenjob approached Muhlert Digital to draw on our extensive lead gen experience and help grow their level of MQL leads for the B2B side of their marketing organization. Setting forth aggressive goals for both growth and reduction in cost-per-lead, we were charged with reducing the CPL by at least 30% while maintaining or improving lead quality.